Thursday, November 28, 2019
Nadine Gordimer Essays - Historical Novels, Nadine Gordimer
Nadine Gordimer Gordimer (1923-) South African novelist and short-story writer, who received Nobel Prize for Literature in 1991. Gordimer's main themes are exile, loneliness and strong political opposition towards racial segregation. She was a founding member of Congress of South African Writers, and even at the height of the apartheid regime, she never considered leaving her country. Nadine Gordimer was born into a well-off family in Springs, Transvaal, an East Rand mining town outside Johannesburg. It was the setting for Gordimer's first novel, THE LYING DAYS (1953). Her father was a Jewish jeweller originally from Latvia and her mother of British descent. From her early childhood Gordimer witnessed the increase of white power at the expense of the rights of the black majority. Gordimer was educated in a convent school and she spent a year at Witwaterstrand University, Johannesburg without taking a degree. Often kept at home by a mother who imagined she had a weak heart, Gordimer began writing from the age of nine and her first story, 'Come Again Tomorrow', appeared in the Johannesburg magazine Forum when she was fifteen. By her twenties Gordimer had had stories published in many of the local magazines and in 1951 the New Yorker accepted a story, publishing her ever since. From her first collection of short stories, FACE TO FACE (1949), which is not listed in some of her biographies, Gordimer has revealed the effects of alienation of racies on society. It was followed by THE SOFT VOICE OF THE SERPENT (1952), and novel The Lying Days (1953), which exhibited Gordimer's unsentimental technique, already hallmark of her narrative. The story was based largely on the author's own life and depicted a white girl who attempts to escape the racism of a small-town life. Other works in the 1950s and 1960s include A WORLD OF STRANGERS (1958), OCCASION FOR LOVING (1963), and THE LATE BOURGEOIS WORLD (1966). In these novels Gordimer studies the master-servant relations characteristic of South African life, spiritual and sexual paranoias of colonialism, and the political responsibilities of privileged white South Africans. "A line in a statute book has more authority than the claims of one man's love or another's. All claims of natural feeling are over-ridden alike by a line in a statute book that takes no account of humanness, that recognises neither love nor respect nor jealousy nor rivalry nor compassion nor hate - nor any human attitude where there are black and white together. What Boaz felt towards Ann; what Gideon felt towards Ann, what Ann felt about Boaz, what she felt for Gideon - all this that was real and rooted in life was void before the clumsy words that reduced the delicacy and towering complexity of living to a race theory..." (from Occasion for Loving) Occasion for Loving was concerned with the 'line in a statute book' - South Africa's cruel racial law. In the story an illicit love affair between a black man and a white woman ends bitterly. Ann Davis is married to a gentle Jew called Boaz Davis, a dedicated scholar who has travelled all over the country in search of African music. Gideon Shibalo, a talented painter, is black, he has a marriage and several affairs behind. The liberal Mrs Jessie Stilwell is a reluctant hostess to the law-breaking lovers. Boaz, the cuckold, is on the side of the struggling South African black majority, and Ann plays with two men's emotions. Gordimer won early international recognition for her short stories and novels. THE CONSERVATIONIST (1974) juxtaposed wealthy white South African world with the rituals and mythology of Zulus. BURGER'S DAUGHTER (1979), written during the aftermath of Soweto uprising. In the story a daughter analyzes her relationship to her father. JULY'S PEOPLE (1981) was a futuristic novel about a white family feeing from war-torn Johannesburg into the country. Gordimer's early short story collections include SIX FEET OF THE COUNTRY (1956), NOT FOR PUBLICATION (1965) and LIVINGSTONE'S COMPANIONS (1971). Since 1948 Gordimer has lived in Johannesburg and taught in the USA in several universities during the 1960s and '70s. She has written books of non-fiction on South African subjects and made television documentaries, notably collaborating with her son Hugo Cassirer on the television film Choosing Justice: Allan Boesak. In THE HOUSE GUN (1998) Gordimer explored the problems of the violence ridden post-apartheid society through a murder trial. Two white privileged liberals, Harald and Claudia Lindgard, face the fact that their architect-son, Duncan, has killed his friend Carl Jesperson. Where does it lead, when violence becomes the common hell? For further reading: The Novels of
Sunday, November 24, 2019
The Wretched Of The Earth essays
The Wretched Of The Earth essays Fanon's book, "The Wretched Of The Earth" like Foucault's "Discipline and Punish" question the basic assumptions that underlie society. Both books writers come from vastly different perspectives and this shapes what both authors see as the technologies that keep the populace in line. Foucault coming out of the French intellectual class sees technologies as prisons, family, mental institutions, and other institutions and cultural traits of French society. In contrast Frantz Fanon (1925-1961) born in Martinique into a lower middle class family of mixed race ancestry and receiving a conventional colonial education sees the technologies of control as being the white colonists of the third world. Fanon at first was a assimilationist thinking colonists and colonized should try to build a future together. But quickly Fanon's assimilationist illusions were destroyed by the gaze of metropolitan racism both in France and in the colonized world. He responded to the shattering of his neo-colonial identity, his white mask, with his first book, Black Skin, White Mask, written in 1952 at the age of twenty-seven and originally titled "An Essay for the Disalienation of Blacks." Fanon defined the colonial relationship as one of the non recognition of the colonized's humanity, his subjecthood, by the colonizer in order to justify his exploitation. Fanon's next novel, "The Wretched Of The Earth" views the colonized world from the perspective of the colonized. Like Foucault's questioning of a disciplinary society Fanon questions the basic assumptions of colonialism. He questions whether violence is a tactic that should be employed to eliminate colonialism. He questions whether native intellectuals who have adopted western methods of thought and urge slow decolonization are in fact part of the same technology of control that the white world ...
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Information Security Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Information Security - Essay Example Thus, it becomes must for an organization to safeguard and make certain about the security of all the stored data. The intention of the policy in relation to information security is to defend the privacy, dependability and ease of admission of the systems as well as the informationââ¬â¢s (CMS, 2006). The organization OUMC Edmond checks with the security policies regarding the information security as how developed and effective they are by reviewing them occasionally and also by updating them. The organization also monitors that whether the employees are abiding by the policies or not. They keep a check that whether any unlawful access is being taking place or not. This is how the organization makes sure about the development and effectiveness of its policies regarding the safety of the data. There are numerous policies that can be implemented by organizations to make certain of the privacy, accessibility and dependability of the data. OUMC Edmond sets its security policies in order to protect the information. The organization applies specific security policies such as data ownership, security and classification, usage of password, cryptography, data content, physical security, and mail ownership in electronic form, measures to manage and prevent virus, accountability regarding the end user as well as acceptable use, security awareness, backup and even preservation of the records among others. The above mentioned policies can be observed as the measures to prevent unlawful access to the information. The organization implements data content, data ownership, data classification and data security to deal with the stated issues. These are the security policies that are applied by OUMC Edmond so as to make sure of the confidentiality, accessibility and dependability of the da ta (Weise & Martin, 2001). An organization can protect itself from the loss of its data with the help of the Data Protection Act. In order to abide by this act, an
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
A description of the UK economy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
A description of the UK economy - Essay Example The UK economy is currently doing well and might be begrudged by many emerging economies. It has high employment levels, minimal inflation rates and a good annual growth of 0.2%. however, if the government continues increasing its expenditure, the UK might soon find itself in another self-imposed crisis. The UK government should realize that the real risk from increased government expenditure is the burden of interest that has to be paid on the money borrowed to finance government activities. Though the government has the role of stimulating economic growth, it must use methods and/or policies that will not conflict with some of its goals and/or objectives. Apparently, tax reduction might work in further improving the performance of the UK economy but such reductions must not be at the expense of government revenues. Vast as it is, the UK government requires lumpsome amounts of money to provide for its population and finance its numerous activities hence taxes must still be considere d as an important source of the governmentââ¬â¢s existence.
Monday, November 18, 2019
Business Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 27
Business Law - Essay Example For Leighton Industries the amount of consideration was the specific brand of steel requested. For Callier Steel, the consideration must have been the amount of money included in the invoice. The two companies are of contractual capacity (Richards, 22). Thus a valid and binding contract existed between the two parties. The next step will be to find out if the two companies met their contractual obligations under the contract and if their contractual rights under the sale of goods contracts were mutually respected. A contract is normally considered as an act of good faith that is free from any ill intent from the contracting parties. An act of misrepresentation constitutes a vitiating element in a contract. The representation must be inaccurate, misleading or untrue (Richards, 78). The representee must have reasonably relied on the misrepresentation and the damages that he suffered must be as a result of this reliance as was the case in Andrews Vs Mockford (1986). By delivering a wrong brand of steel, Callier Steel would be liable for innocent, fraudulent or negligent misrepresentation that breached the contractual obligation of good faith. By obtaining leaking furnaces as a result of the wrong brand of steel that was delivered, Leighton suffered damages which the court must remedy. Leighton
Friday, November 15, 2019
Personal Previous Job Reflection Social Work Essay
Personal Previous Job Reflection Social Work Essay DISCUSSION: This question reveals a lot about you. You want to indicate that what you liked best about your last job are things that will appeal to the Hiring Manager. Show that your last job allowed you to demonstrate many of the desirable Behavioral Competencies that are discussed at the beginning of this Guide. Give specific examples of how your last job allowed you to flex your skills and show your maturity. Never make statements like I like that my last company gave me a lot of vacation days, or something similar. When answering about what you liked least, keep it short, do not be negative, and relate your answer to how your last job limited you in your ability to exhibit positive Behavioral Competencies. What I liked about my last job was the fact that there was good on the job training. I was able to really develop my X skills, which I know will help me succeed here if I am fortunate enough to be able to join your team. What are the qualities and skills of the people who have been most successful at this company? One thing I liked about my last job was that it allowed me to develop my leadership skills. FOR EXAMPLE, I was put in charge of a project where I had to earn the buy-in of people from multiple different departments including Marketing, IT, Product Development, and even HR. I held all the responsibility for getting this project completed on time, even though I had no real authority over my teammates since they did not report to me. I was able to create a project vision that the team agreed on, and then day-to-day I made sure that each team member completed their work on time. I did this in most cases by appealing to my teammates own self-interests. FOR EXAMPLE What I liked least about my last job was that the management style was pretty hands off, and this was fine for me because I am self-motivated and work hard to achieve. But the lack of structure sometimes allowed some of my teammates to slack off from time to time and I often ended up having to pick up the extra work. I would not mind that SOMETIMES, but it got old after a while. I had to constructively approach my manager and let her know what was going on WITHOUT creating any friction between me and the slacker teammates, who I actually liked as people. In the end, it worked out well, because I was pro-active. Have you ever run into that type of situation as a manager? What have you learned from your mistakes? DISCUSSION: Show that you are able to learn from your mistakes, but dont offer up any negative examples concerning your past performance. Show that you have been successful, but that you have the maturity it takes to examine your own behavior so that you can learn and grow and be a better employee. Be brief. Good question. Well, I have been successful at every job I have had, but I have had the normal ups and downs. Id say that I do actively try to monitor my work habits and the quality of my work so that I can constantly be improving myself. FOR EXAMPLE, I have had one or two hiccups with customers where their satisfaction was not where I thought it was. I learned that I have to really monitor certain difficult customers closely and take their temperature so I can keep their satisfaction level as high as possible. Have you had any customers like that here? Give me an example of a problem you faced on the job, and tell me how you solved it. DISCUSSION: This is a problem solving question that tests your critical thinking skills. This is a great question for showing that you are a creative and capable problem solver. The problem you select to use as an example should be as similar as possible to a problem that you are likely to face at the job you are interviewing for. I try to take a systematic approach to problem solving where I take the time to gather the relevant data, clearly define the problem or goal, then come up with possible solutions. I think it is important to get the information and clarify the problem first before you start coming up with possible solutions, or wasting other peoples time. FOR INSTANCE, when I was at Job X What kinds of challenges are you currently facing in your department? How tough a position does this put you in? What could the ideal candidate do to help solve this problem in his or her first three months on the job? Describe a situation when working with a team produced more successful results than if you had completed the project on your own. DISCUSSION: This is a behavioral interviewing style of question. The Hiring Manager wants to learn more about your thought process, and how well you can form examples to answer this teamwork related question. You will want to show your ability to solicit ideas from others, listen carefully, and persuade people to your point of view. Well, I have worked both independently and as a member of team, throughout my career. I enjoy both, and can do both equally well. I will have to say, though, that working with others has often yielded great results for projects I have worked on specifically when it comes to brainstorming. I try to get everyone involved in coming up with new solutions by making time for sessions where there are no wrong ideas or answers. The creativity of a group of people is always going to be greater than that of one person, and thus the results will be more successful. I did that a lot a Job Y. FOR EXAMPLE Working with others allows you data-mine other peoples skills and experiences, get perspectives and ideas that you would not have on your own, and check the quality of your own work before it goes out the door. FOR EXAMPLE, at Job X I worked with many great people. I was able to pick their brains so to speak about the effectiveness of various techniques, estimates on how long it would take to get various things done, etc. I would not have been able to do my job as effectively with out them. Will there be the opportunity to work in team situations at this job? Describe a time when you were faced with problems or stresses at work that tested your coping skills. What did you do? DISCUSSION: Workplace stress is an issue for everyone. Dont pretend that you never get stressed out. You want to show that you can deal with stress and cope with difficult situations. Show that you are calm under pressure, and know how to avoid stress in the first place through planning and time management. Well I think it is important to remember that stress effects everyone, and it is inevitable that sometimes people are going to have bad days. That is why I try to give people the benefit of the doubt when they seem to have a short fuse. What I do personally is try to control my response to a situation. You cant necessarily control what happens to you, but you can control your response. What I try to do is lengthen the time between the stressful situation and my response so that I can identify the cause of the stress and decide what I can do about it. FOR EXAMPLE, on several occasions I have had to deal with very irate customers who actually yelled at me. What I did was stay calm and not let them get under my skin. I really tried to listen and decide exactly what it was that was at the root of their problem. Then I provided solutions that could be completed within a specific time-frame. I always find that it is best to face those types of situations head-on and be objective about the m. I do my best to be professional and not get my emotions involved. Also, I try to avoid stress in the first place by tackling difficult tasks or conversations sooner rather than later. Does that make sense? What was your role in your departments most recent success? DISCUSSION: Youll want to be very specific here, and frame your answer in terms of how you saved time and money. The Hiring Manager is looking for a pattern of success, and you need to describe recent successes in detail. Use the S.T.A.R. Statement formula for your examples. Be prepared with at least three examples concerning your recent successes, and make sure at least one of them relates to teamwork and something you accomplished as part of a group. Make sure you address how your work made other people FEEL, as well as the time you saved and the revenue or cost-savings you generated. I guess that would be a recent project for client X. I handled all of the communication with the client for our last project. It was a three month long project where my team had to build a custom package based on the needs of client. I was instrumental in translating the clients business needs into detailed product features. I had to make sure that my team understood what the client wanted, and then check the quality to make sure that we were delivering a quality product with the features that the client was expecting. Well, it was an ongoing process that required a lot of communication and teamwork with my team as well as the client. I think my role really was to clarify the scope of the project, and then manage the clients expectations. We were able to deliver on time, and the client was thrilled! I was able to make sure no time was wasted on adding unnecessary features, and since we were working on a fixed bid price, we saved my company time and money. My manager and everybody on my team felt great because the project went so smoothly. Is that the kind of experience that would help me be successful here?
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Sherlock Holmes :: Essays Papers
Sherlock Holmes The Man with the Twisted Lip In this short story, by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Mr. Neville St. Clair has been kidnapped. His wife is in town one day and she sees him hanging outside of a window. As she looks up at him, he lets out a scream and is yanked back into the room from where he stands. She is very concerned about seeing her husband in this situation and thinks that he is in trouble. She runs to the entrance of the building that she saw him standing in and she tries to get upstairs to where he is and help him. She is stopped by the doorman and not allowed access to the upstairs. Once the police get to the scene, they barge into the upstairs area and discover that Mr. Neville St. Clair is not in the room. The only person in the room is a beggar man named Hugh Boone. Everyone is familiar with Boone because he sits in the city and begs for a living. The police demand an explanation on where St. Clair is and there is not one given by Boone or the doorman. On the backside of the building there was a body of water that at high tide came up to the bottom of the lone window in the room. Traces of blood were found on the window seal of this window and drops of blood on the floor. The clothing of St. Clair was found in the corner of the room and his coat was found in the water at the bottom of the window. The assumption was made that Boone killed St. Clair and the body was disposed of in the water. The police detained Boone but the body was not found. Sherlock Holmes was interested in finding the body. Holmes, along with Watson, went to the St. Clair home and interviewed Mrs. St. Clair. Holmes admitted to Mrs. St. Clair that the he thought her husband might still be living. She agreed with great anticipation and told her that the most startling thing had happened to her that day. It was three days since the disappearance of her husband and she had received a letter dated AFTER her husbandââ¬â¢s disappearance. Holmes asked to see the letter so he could examine it.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Dolphin 1984
In 1984, he co-founded and led the spin-off company Pain Capital, a highly profitable private equity investment firm that became one of the largest of its kind in the nation. Economy, everyone might wonder what mitt will do and he believes in free enterprise, hard work, and innovation. His plan consist of reduce taxes, spending, regulation, and government programs. Mitt's plan to help The United States of America, is to increase the number in Jobs. Rooney plans to increase trade, energy production, human capital, and labor flexibility. With Rooney in the house, Obama care would be out. Roomers view on healthcare consist of the following: wouldn't affect seniors or those near retirement, would not raise taxes, and support to help the pupil choose between traditional Medicare or private plans.This ââ¬Å"Health Careâ⬠Rooney speaks of will provide the same are and medicine like Medicare, but to a coverage. Mitt Rooney is pro-life. He believes that all Americans have a voice, that should not be take away from them. People from whatever background know that millions and millions of abortions happen every year. Rooney would like to go to the Supreme Court and overturn Roe v. Wade. With this in mind, Rooney will have each and every state have their own abortion laws. Rooney will protect the Doctors, nurse, etc. Of Hospitals. Meaning Saint Catherine for example, will not be giving abortions. Rooney will have Judges that know the choice between personal opinion and the law.Rooney believes this statement.. â⬠Why are we taking the lives of the most innocent among Marriage is between one woman and one man, or so believes Mitt Rooney. Rooney says he wants to support traditional marriage. Rooney would like to propose a Federal Marriage Amendment to the Constitution defining marriage as between one man and one woman. Paul Ryan Bio Ryan was born in Janesville,Wisconsin. He was the youngest child in his family of four. His mother Elizabeth and his father Paul Murray Ryan who was a lawyer. Paul is a fifth generation. Ryan attended SST. Marry Catholic in Janesville, where he was elected president of his Junior class, and then became prom king.As class president Ryan was a representative of the student body on the school board. Following his sophomore year, Ryan took a Job working the grill at McDonald's. He was on his Nicholls ski,track,and varsity soccer teams and played basketball in a Catholic recreational league. He also participated in several academic and social clubs including the Model United Nations. When he was 16, Ryan found his 55 year old father lying dead in bed off heart attack. ISSUES: Mitt Rooney Taxes Reducing and stabilizing federal spending is essential, but breathing life into the resent anemic recovery will also require fixing the nation's tax code to focus on Jobs and growth.To repair the nation's tax code, marginal rates must be brought down to stimulate entrepreneurship, Job creation, and investment, while still raising the revenue needed to fund a smaller, smarter, simpler government. The principle of fairness must be preserved in federal tax and spending policy. Individual Taxes America's individual tax code applies relatively high marginal tax rates on a narrow tax base. Those high rates discourage work and entrepreneurship, as well as savings ND investment. With 54 percent of private sector workers employed outside of corporations, individual rates also define the incentives for Job-creating businesses. Lower marginal tax rates secure for all Americans the economic gains from tax reform. Make permanent, across-the-board 20 percent cut in marginal rates * Maintain current tax rates on interest, dividends, and capital gains * Eliminate taxes for taxpayers with GAG below $200,000 on interest, dividends, and capital gains * Eliminate the Death Tax * Repeal the Alternative Minimum Tax (MAT) Corporate Taxes The U. S. Economy's 35 percent corporate tax rate is among the highest in the industrial world , reducing the ability of our nation's businesses to compete in the global economy and to invest and create Jobs at home. By limiting investment and growth, the high rate of corporate tax also hurts U. S. Wages. * Cut the corporate rate to 25 percent * Strengthen and make permanent the R&D tax credit * Switch to a territorial tax system * Repeal the corporate Alternative Minimum Tax (AM Rooney Immigration Rooney tends to emphasize border security and an immigration system that will benefit the economy.To secure the borders, Rooney wants to complete the construction of a high-tech fence along the Southern border with Mexico. He says he wants enough officers for border security, but does not specify if more, or how many, officers might be needed. Additionally, he wants to improve the ââ¬Å"exit verificationâ⬠system to make sure that immigrants do not overstay their temporary visas. To retain skilled workers, Rooney proposes offering permanent residency status to foreign student s who obtain an advanced degree in math, science or engineering at a U. S. University. For industries that need and use temporary workers from outside the United States, Rooney wants to reform the temporary worker visa system by removing requirements that slow the process of obtaining the visa.To discourage immigrants from entering the country, or staying in the country, without proper documentation, Rooney would like to develop an improved employment verification system for employers to ensure that they are not hiring unauthorized immigrants. During the race for the Republican nomination, Rooney argued that there would be no need to increase deportations of unauthorized immigrants because implementing a functional employment verification system would make it difficult for them to find a bob and they would ââ¬Å"self deport. â⬠Rooney also opposes ââ¬Å"magnets,â⬠or benefits, for unauthorized immigrants that he believes encourages immigrants to enter the country without authorization. When he was governor of Massachusetts, he vetoed a bill that would allow in-state tuition for unauthorized immigrants and opposed driver's licenses for illegal immigrants.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Somalia essays
Somalia essays It was God-awful hot and the dust was everywhere. We were just coming back to the airfield in Moghedishu from an 18 hour patrol in southern Somalia. Jeff was concentrating on driving while Brad was manning the .50 caliber machinegun mounted on the top of the armored humvee. This left me plenty of time to take in the sights, sounds and smells, very rich ones, of the countryside and city. Dust from the afternoon winds found every cranny and nook you could imagine. It was brutal on our weapons, which had to be constantly wiped free. Even when I would take a drink of water from my canteen the taste of dirt was prevalent. When I started this paper, I found out that much has changed in this ancient land. I also found out that much has remained the same. Somalia is a land with a rich history and one full of sorrows. When I set out to start my research, I turned mostly to Government and Non-government web sites for information. Many of these sites were full of valuable information relating to Somalia, its past and how Somalia stands in the world today. I used one book, Delong, Kent, and Steven Tuckey. Mogadishu! Heroism and Tragedy. Westport: Praeger, 1994, for part of my research. Several other news sites were helpful in setting the scene for Somalias current place in the world, to include the War on Terrorism. Also the State department web site was a great help. I had some difficulties in finding books written about Somalia. There were many books written about the Battle of Mogadishu but few about the country itself. The State Department and CIA web sites were most helpful in this area. Both sites had a complete and comprehensive database of the history of Somalia. I also went to several African web sites for information and for their own perspective on events affecting Somalia, both past and present. I was able to use some of the databases from the ECPI library. For the most part this database was very good on the curr...
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Biography and Legacy of Ferdinand Magellan
Biography and Legacy of Ferdinand Magellan One of the greatest explorers of the Age of Discovery, Ferdinand Magellan is best known for leading the first expedition to circumnavigate the globe. However, he personally did not complete the route and perished in the South Pacific. A determined man, he overcame personal obstacles, mutinies, uncharted seas, biting hunger, and malnutrition during the course of his voyage. Today, his name is synonymous with discovery and exploration. Early Years and Education Ferno Magalhes (Ferdinand Magellan is an anglicized version of his name) was born in approximately 1480 in the small Portuguese town of Villa de Sabroza. As the son of the mayor, he led a privileged childhood, and at an early age, he went to the royal court in Lisbon to serve as page to the Queen. He was very well educated, studying with some of the finest tutors in Portugal, and from an early age showed an interest in navigation and exploration. The De Almeida Expedition As a well-educated and well-connected young man, it was easy for Magellan to sign on with many of the different expeditions departing from Spain and Portugal at the time. In 1505, he accompanied Francisco De Almeida, who had been named Viceroy of India. De Almeida had a fleet of 20 heavily-armed ships, and they sacked settlements and established towns and forts in north-eastern Africa along the way. Magellan fell out of favor with De Almeida around 1510 when he was accused of illegally trading with Islamic locals. He returned to Portugal in disgrace and offers for him to join new expeditions dried up. From Portugal to Spain Magellan was convinced that a new route to the lucrative Spice Islands could be found by going through the New World. He presented his plan to the King of Portugal, Manuel I. He was rejected, possibly because of his past problems with De Almeida. Determined to get funding for his trip, Magellan went to Spain. Here, he was granted an audience with Charles V, who agreed to finance his journey. By August of 1519, Magellan had five ships: the Trinidad (his flagship), Victoria, San Antonio, Concepcià ³n, and the Santiago. His crew of 270 men was mostly Spanish. Departure, Mutiny, and the Wreck Magellanââ¬â¢s fleet left Seville on August 10, 1519. After stopovers in the Canary and Cape Verde Islands, they headed for Portuguese Brazil. Here, they anchored near present-day Rio de Janeiro in January of 1520 to take on supplies, trading with locals for food and water. It was at this time that serious troubles began: the Santiago was wrecked and the survivors had to be picked up. The captains of the other ships attempted to mutiny. At one point, Magellan was forced to open fire on the San Antonio. He reasserted command and executed or marooned most of those responsible, pardoning the others. The Strait of Magellan The four remaining ships headed south, searching for passage around South America. Between October and November 1520, they navigated through the islands and waterways on the continentââ¬â¢s southern tip. The passage they found was named the Strait of Magellan. They discovered Tierra del Fuego as the sailed. On November 28, 1520, they found a tranquil-looking body of water. Magellan named it the Mar Pacà fico, or the Pacific Ocean. During the exploration of the islands, the San Antonio deserted. The ship returned to Spain and took too much of the remaining provisions with it, forcing the men to hunt and fish for food. Across the Pacific Convinced the Spice Islands were only a short sail away, Magellan led his ships across the Pacific, discovering the Marianas Islands and Guam. Although Magellan named them the Islas de las Velas Latinas (Islands of the Triangular Sails), the name Islas de los Ladrones (Islands of Thieves) stuck because locals made off with one of the landing boats after giving Magellanââ¬â¢s men some supplies. Pressing on, they landed on Homonhon Island in the Philippines. Magellan found he could communicate with the people, as one of his men spoke Malay. He had reached the Eastern edge of the world known to Europeans. Death Homonhon was uninhabited, but Magellanââ¬â¢s ships were seen and contacted by some locals who led them to Cebu, home of Chief Humabon, who befriended Magellan. Humabon and his wife even converted to Christianity along with many of the locals. They then convinced Magellan to attack Lapu-Lapu, a rival chieftain on nearby Mactan Island. On April 17, 1521, Magellan and some of his men attacked a much larger force of islanders, trusting their armor and advanced weapons to win the day. The attack was fought off, however, and Magellan was among those killed. Efforts to ransom his body failed. It was never recovered. Return to Spain Leaderless and short on men, the remaining sailors decided to burn the Concepcià ³n and return to Spain. The two ships managed to find the Spice Islands and loaded up the holds with valuable cinnamon and cloves. As they crossed the Indian Ocean, however, the Trinidad began to leak. It eventually sank, although some of the men made it to India and from there back to Spain. The Victoria kept going, losing several men to starvation. It arrived in Spain on September 6, 1522, more than three years after it had left. There were only 18 sickly men crewing the ship, a fraction of the 270 who had set out. Ferdinand Magellan Legacy Magellan is credited with being the first to circumnavigate the world in spite of two somewhat glaring details: first, he died halfway through the journey and second, he never intended to travel in a circle. He simply wanted to find a new route to the Spice Islands. Some historians have said that Juan Sebastin Elcano, who captained the Victoria back from the Philippines, is a worthier candidate for the title of first to circumnavigate the globe. Elcano had begun the voyage as master on board the Concepcià ³n. There are two written records of the journey. The first was a journal kept by an Italian passenger who paid to go on the trip, Antonio Pigafetta. The second was a series of interviews with the survivors made by Maximilianus of Transylvania upon their return. Both documents reveal a fascinating voyage of discovery. The Magellan expedition was responsible for several major discoveries. In addition to the Pacific Ocean and numerous islands, waterways and other geographic information, the expedition also sighted a great many new animals, including penguins and guanacos. The discrepancies between the log book and the date when they returned to Spain led directly to the concept of the International Date Line. Their measurements of distances traveled helped contemporary scientists determine the size of the earth. They were the first to sight certain galaxies visible in the night sky, now aptly known as the Magellanic Clouds. Although the Pacific had been first discovered in 1513 by Vasco Nuà ±ez de Balboa, it is Magellans name for it that stuck. Balboa called it the South Sea. Immediately upon the return of the Victoria, European sailing ships began trying to duplicate the voyage, including an expedition led by surviving captain Elcano. It wasnââ¬â¢t until Sir Francis Drakeââ¬â¢s 1577 voyage, however, that anyone managed to do it again. Still, the knowledge gained from Magellans voyage immensely advanced the science of navigation at the time. Today, Magellanââ¬â¢s name is synonymous with discovery and exploration. Telescopes and spacecraft bear his name, as does a region in Chile. Perhaps because of his untimely demise, his name does not have the negative baggage associated with it like fellow explorer Christopher Columbus, blamed by many for subsequent atrocities in the lands he discovered. Source: Thomas, Hugh. Rivers of Gold: The Rise of the Spanish Empire, from Columbus to Magellan. Paperback, Random House Trade Paperback, May 31, 2005.
Monday, November 4, 2019
DRM and trusted computing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
DRM and trusted computing - Essay Example 131-138). Similarly, According to Reid & Caelli (2005, p. 128), trusted computing is vulnerable to MitM attack when used to enforce DRM if the attacker acts as a proxy between two communicating users. This affects the flow of information because it is distorted or manipulated to suit the interests of the attacker. Computers that use unencrypted networks are vulnerable to attacks by the man in the middle because their network traffic is easily grabbed (Luotonen 1998, p. 120). In order to avoid the vulnerability of trusted computing to MitM attacks when enforcing DRM, it is advisable for communicating computers to use encrypted network connections. This may be offered by the Https technology that makes it tricky for an attacker to interfere with the network traffic (Reid & Caelli 2005, p. 129). The Https is efficient because of the safe sockets layer (SSL) facility that shields the web-based network interchange from unauthorized users. The Https also uses certificates that can prove the identity of the servers a computer is interacting with over the internet (Strebe 2006, p.
Friday, November 1, 2019
CONCLUSION - A Short Summary in Terms of the Foundations of the Essay
CONCLUSION - A Short Summary in Terms of the Foundations of the Ordained Ministry Based on the Overview I Have Written - Essay Example In addition, he solemnly affirms that preaching Christ at any cost is the duty of the minister and the servant. When one reads the initial chapters of the epistle to Philippians we find the apostle rejoicing that Christ is being preached even though out of jealousy and competition. That the ministerial ordination does not stop with just Paul himself is evident in the passages where the Apostle asks Timothy to rekindle the Holy Spirit, which has been received through the laying of hands by the Apostle himself, in his epistle to the ardent disciple. (2 Tim: 1/6) This laying of hands is a charism through which God communicates. This charism is found ââ¬Ëinââ¬â¢ them whom the hands were laid. So in the epistles, the laying of hands brings about the induction into the office of the ministry. We find a close link between the transmission of the right doctrine and the laying of hands. We find the first seven deacons being inducted by the twelve into the ministry by laying of hands. Thus we find the transmission of ordained ministry as well as its institution (Part 3). Now we come to the ultimate question of the aim of this ministry according to Paul, which has also been dealt with in his letters. Paul says that as an Apostle he has been selected by the Lord with the ââ¬Å"ministry of the uncircumcisedâ⬠as Peter had been entrusted with the ââ¬Å"ministry of the circumcisedâ⬠. Even at the council of the apostles, Paul argues that the message of Christ is universal, for the righteousness of the faith imparted by Christ (Gal: 2/1-10). He did not desist until John, Cephas and James extended him that ââ¬Å"right hand of fellowshipâ⬠(Part4). The minister is always doing the work of reconciliation. (2 Cor: 5/18). Therefore, every minister is called to this ministry. The ââ¬Å"steward of the mysteries of Christâ⬠(1 Cor: 4/1), Paul knows that he is invested with the authority of God (2 Cor: 13/10) to build up the Church. How faith is handed down and
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